Join the SAI

The SAI is a vibrant community of professional illustrators, animators, model makers and photographers. All applicants are required to submit five images together with contact details and a description of their working methods and experience. The submission will be considered by the SAI Professional Standards Council who will recommend to the SAI Board a grade of membership. Applicants whose work is of high professional standard will be elected Member.

Membership includes:
  • Certificate of Membership.
  • An individual and personal page on the SAI website.
  • Newsletters and other SAI publications.
  • SAI meetings and events.

Should the application be partially successful but not quite reach the high standard expected, the applicant will be elected Allied Member.

Allied Membership includes:
  • Certificate of Allied Membership.
  • Newsletters and other SAI publications.
  • SAI meetings and events.
  • Advice, via the SAI Forum, regarding upgrading to full membership.
Members’ professional suffixes

The SAI is permitted to confer professional status suffixes on successful applicants as under:

  • Member, MSAI: The primary consideration is the degree of professional competence shown by examples of the work submitted. Minimum age for membership is 20.
  • Fellow, FSAI: Fellowships are conferred by the SAI Council in recognition of outstanding contribution to the Society.
  • Honorary Fellow, FSAI: This grade is conferred on those not necessarily engaged in illustration but who are deemed to have contributed to the profession in some exceptional manner. Election is by nomination.

Application fee for membership £40 (If elected Member, this fee is deducted from your first year’s subscription).

Subscription Fees

Allied: £40
Member: £95
Fellow: £130
Retired: £30

How to apply for membership of the SAI

  • Complete the form below with your name, address and other contact details.
  • Tell us about yourself and your work in the details box.
  • Tick the boxes which are relevant to your work.
  • Upload five jpg images of your work – between 1 and 2MB each image will be best.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • Remit your application fee either by sending a cheque for £40.00, made out to “The SAI”, to: SAI Administrator, Rosemary Cottage, Bletchinglye Lane, Rotherfield, East Sussex, UK, TN6 3NN – or you may pay by BACs. Sort code: 30-98-29 Acc. No. 00382867. When we have received your application fee, your work will be sent to the SAI Council for assessment and consideration for election to the Society.
Additional notes for Photographers

Preferably photographs will show high resolution and creative or aesthetic qualities, as well as the photographer’s ability to edit at least one photograph with software. Editing could be, for example, correcting vertical convergence if not done with a field camera, “cloning” in or out details, or creating an original yet useful image. If the edits are not evident, a brief explanation would be appreciated. In addition to full-view outside shots, submissions must also contain at least one good example from the following: an interior shot, a late evening/night shot, a well-composed architectural detail.

Apply for Membership

Your Details


Tell Us About Yourself

Illustrative Output

Please tick all those that apply to you.

Images for Assessment

On receipt of the £40.00 application fee, your images will be submitted to the SAI council for assessment.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.